Retro Roadmappers, friends, strangers, world – Mod Betty is on a journey and wants you to come along! For the past 3 years I have been figuring out what helps me get to where I want to go in life, and I want to share what I have learned with you, if you have places you want your life to go.
While each of us has different destinations / goals, the way to get to any of them is to, well “just drive your life” as I like to say!
This is the way I’ve gone from being a blogger/web writer to now having 5 books I’ve written/published.
I’ve been interviewed and appeared in major newspapers, get paid to give informative and inspiring presentations, and that is just the beginning!
I’m starting out this sharing journey by promising you I will post 1x per week a helpful, informative, encouraging message/story that will help you get to where you want to go.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, I look forward to having you on the road with me!
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