Union Station Worceser, MA – A Beautiful Train Station Renovation

Worcester, MA

    • Don Montgomery
      March 22, 2016 at 6:37 pm

      The restoration is breathtaking. They had to recreate those two towers, as they had been demolished in the ’70’s. That entire area around the station and under the bridge smelled like urine for years. Sir Morgan’s Cove was right near there so you had a curious conflagration of rockers, homeless, and heroin addicts in the area through the 1980s.

      • Mod Betty / RetroRoadmap.com
        March 23, 2016 at 8:54 pm

        I did not realize the towers were recreated – I swear I have a photo “around here somewhere” of it in the mid/late 80s and they were there – or it could be my memory filling it in. And Lawd I have not heard of Sir Morgan’s Cove in ages – I never went there, but heard about it on WAAF a lot. Thanks for the blast from the past!

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